How To Configure Emails On The Windows 8 Phone
The first thing that you are required to set up on a Window 8 Phone is the Windows Live ID. Here is the procedure to get up and running with a Windows Live ID.
- Go to Start and flick to the App list
- Tap the Settings icon and go to Email + Accounts
- Next, Tap Add an Account and Choose Windows Live
- You will see the Before you sign in screen, if you have not signed in for a Windows Live ID.
- On this screen, tap Next.
- Tap the Email address box and type you Windows Live ID.
- Next, Tap the Password box and type your Windows Live Password
- Finally, Tap Sign in.
- All the Windows Live email and contacts will be synced.
- To add any other accounts such as Google or Yahoo, go to Start>App list> Settings> Email + Accounts
To watch the ‘How-to’ video Click Here