8 Good Reasons For Business To Business (B2B) eCommerce Solutions

Making Your Customer’s Life Easier

Making your B2B customer’s life easier doesn’t just mean more sales. It engenders loyalty from that business since you are saving them time and hassle, and hence, money. In the face of ever stronger competition this is a great asset. Would you rather do business with a company that takes days to process your order, no less complete it, no matter how cheap, or would you rather have the whole authentication, approval, and payment process happen in the background with a click of a button? You may even find your business customers will pay you to create a custom solution for them. Our team at DivisionX is deeply familiar with B2B eCommerce systems and how to put all the pieces together for you and your business customers. That is actually how we started way back in 1998.

Streamlining Your Own Business

This is something larger companies take for granted and it could give them a real competitive edge. The good thing for smaller businesses is that large corporations have bloated systems that usually waste time instead of saving it. We can create a minimal viable solution that will improve your business processes and smoothly upgrade it as your business grows. In every business there is always at least one task that is the bane of someone’s life, usually the owner’s. It could be some billing, ordering, or accounting task. It could also be a simple task that is repetitive and tedious. When we create a B2B eCommerce solution we actively seek out these bottle-necks and we either eliminate them totally or significantly reduce their impact.


This is a very important target customer base that many businesses ignore. We create our B2C eCommerce solutions with the idea in mind that they may be “cloned” for wholesale purposes. Essentially you can have wholesale website and a retail website that co-exist, and where the only difference could be price or availability.


There are a large number of CRM systems that are targeted at the needs of virtually any business. Integrating CRM systems such as salesforce.com into our B2B eCommerce solutions is as simple as installing the module.


When you buy or subscribe to some solutions you may find your choice of third-party applications is limited. There may be a perfect application out there for your business but you simply can’t deploy it. Our focus is eCommerce so we work well with other developers in other areas because they are not our competitors. Far from it. We can integrate your choice of the best of breed solutions that fit and grow with your needs and we can even look after these third-party solutions for you and provide you with an additional level of customization and support that you would not have otherwise.

Drop shipping & resellers

This is a topic we have also covered in the B2C eCommerce section of our website. With respect to B2B systems you want to be able to easily and quickly update data and prices as they are disseminated by distributors. At DivisionX we have done this before so you can trust we are familiar with the details, and the devil is indeed in the detail.

Inventory Management

Your B2C and B2B systems do not have to be separate. You can manage your inventory easily and quickly and you can automate the ordering of new or best selling items. This is not always of utmost importance to most merchants but to the merchants where this is important, it is critical.

Case Study

One of our very first clients was Langston Scott Limited. They wanted a custom B2C and B2B website and eCommerce system that was easily integrated into the internal portals of their target customers. They were very forward thinking because back then this was unheard of specially in their market sector. They wanted to invest in a system that allowed the companies that bought their services not only to easily order from them but to also streamline the whole ordering process custom designed specifically for that customer. No one had done this before in their market sector so this was a very big risk. It was an equally big success. Within a few years their biggest and oldest competitor Keith Prowse was bought out by Compass Group Plc. who saw the value in Langston Scott Limited and purchased them shortly afterwards.

By Dr. Ataollah Etemadi

We don’t have sales people. We have Customer Listeners and Advocates.