Top 10 Things To Do On LinkedIn To Get More Business

Get More Business on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network operating in over 200 countries or territories. In case your business is looking for a link or connection to professionals all over the world LinkedIn is your first stop. The main power of LinkedIn lies in the connections made by professional users, who share information concerning their practices and who recommend each other based on reputation. By connecting to various thought leaders, LinkedIn can provide the much needed platform for publicity and engagement with new clients leading to great benefits. For businesses looking to maximize the potential in LinkedIn, here are the top 10 things to do to get more business:

1. Complete Your Profile

Ensure that your profile is complete and include short but telling examples of achievements that you have in your business. Making a complete profile makes your online business brand perfectly visible to other users and  generally gives them a good idea about who you are and what you offer at a first glance.

2. Grow Your Network

Joining LinkedIn is important  for getting recommendations and an online reputation. Be specific about searching the groups as you want to join a network that is related to your business. Locate the groups and the individuals that fit perfectly to your business. Try to answer the various questions and try to be a part of the conversations. Make yourself noticeable.

3. Add And Customize Web Sites

You can add up to 3 links to your LinkedIn profile. Customize your links so that you attract the curiosity of other professionals on the network. Use keywords in this section to gain better rankings in Google.

4. Create And Manage A Company Page

Adda company page describing details of company description, contact information, specialties, services and product details of your company. Include your company logo or image and make an appropriate description different from that you used in your website. Use the product and service tabs including some contents like a blog post, frequently ask questions, specific details of some specific items/services. You can personalize this tab for showcasing your services to the followers and send them to your website.

5. Create Group And Subgroups

Create a group that relates to your company and invite people to join. Discuss about the services you offer and give followers some free tips. This brings you out as an expert in your field. Ask questions on LinkedIn related to your niche. Get people interested in your group by adding compelling topics.

6. Use Company Updates To Share Contents

Share useful information and important contents by enabling company update for your LinkedIn page. Maintain regular updates of your company website to attract new followers to your page. Also informative updates gathered interest of the people those are already following you page and that will help to make your company page and services visible to all your followers.

7. Manage Messages

Instead of spending hundreds dollars every month on communication, you can send free messages to your customers/followers easily by only creating a group.  Use the welcome message to create a good impression to the new users joining your group. An auto responder email and weekly messages help users to stay in touch with the company and always earns you new customers.

8. Connect With Twitter And Facebook

Connect your LinkedIn to your Twitter and Facebook to sync your updates to each platform. The more you share in the different areas the more people will know about your company. There are many LinkedIn applications to help you promote your business. Use applications to improve your experience with the LinkedIn profile.

9. Recommend Others And Ask For It

Make sure to write a nice recommendation whenever you get helps from any product or service. The more recommend you make the more recommend is like to return to your service and the more recommend you get, the more chances of your products to gain interest. Ask for recommendations if readers are helped by your tips or services.

10. Manage Your Content And Optimize Your Search Rankings

Update your profile regularly giving status, compelling posts creating events and invite groups in it. Make yourself visible to all of your customers. Optimize your profile to rank top on LinkedIn. Choose a correct headline; add current work experience, previous work experience, summery and specialties to your profile.
Use creative skill and share fresh ideas. Be clear about yourself. By following all the tips, you can grow and  run your business successfully.

By Dr. Ataollah Etemadi